Appendix 1

Corporate Systems Vision and Approach

A: Strategy & Innovation

To enable confident and robust decision-making (using quality, focused data) by:

        Adopting a ‘best of breed’  approach to maximise utilisation of emerging technologies and AI/Robotics to avoid being ‘locked into’ a single technology platform for 10+ years, risking earlier obsolescence;

        Commitment to an ‘adopt-not-adapt’ approach, i.e. using the product as intended rather than modifying it to fit local processes, to reduce ongoing support and maintenance resourcing;

        Aligning strategic support for flexibility and progression toward digitally enabled systems and services (which links to Organisational Redesign strategy).

B: Data and Interfaces

Enable connectivity & collaboration through linked systems and data by:

        Providing a cleansed ‘open data’ architecture to enable AI and Business Intelligence apps to gather data efficiently;

        Providing simplified data structures focused on capturing only essential information (decluttering and archiving unnecessary data);

        Aiming to link data and systems through the acquisition of new technologies (APIs) and/or new intermediary products and systems (e.g. Boomi).

C: Platform and Ease of Use

Enable innovation and creativity through emerging technologies by:

        Aiming for structured and common standards for Management Information reporting suites to build Dashboards for improved data insight and decision-making;

        Committing to improved ease-of-use and self-service to enhance managers and services’ ownership of data quality;

        Committing to a cloud-first platform to improve data management, security and resilience (and reduce carbon footprint).

D: People and Process

Enable automation and efficiency, including digital and e-form automated workflow processing through:

        A commitment to linked and automated workflow processes from email, web-forms, and other digital channels;

        Undertaking systems-thinking reviews[1] of processes to enable streamlined workflows and a confident and skilled workforce;

        Delivery of corporate systems that are intuitive to use and that support our evolution towards becoming a digitally skilled organisation.

[1] Systems Thinking is a defined methodology for reviewing processes end-to-end, specifically to identify duplication, redundancy or low value-added elements of the process from a customer or user perspective.